A new version of Maypole is out!
The list of changes [1] is quite long, but the main changes in this
release are:
- Revised and updated manual, courtesy of Dave Howorth
- Access to request and response headers via $r->headers_in
and $r->headers_out
- Support for tables with compound primary keys
- TT2 configuration via $r->config->view_options
- Improved templating performance under mod_perl. CGI users can
set TT2's COMPILE_* options
- Some more unit tests
I'd like to thank Marcus Ramberg and Dave Howorth for their help and
contributions to this release.
Merry Christmas everyone,
1: http://search.cpan.org/src/SIMONFLK/Maypole-2.05/Changes
maypole mailing list
maypole at lists.netthink.co.uk
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